Examination Cell
Mechanism of Internal and External Examination:
The college has totally transparent system for internal evaluation. Each student has made completely
aware of the established policy of the university to which they are affiliated and the normal evaluation
method for the theory and practical areas. To familiarize them with procedures of main examinations and
assessment process, the college conduct orientation programs, half yearly and pre university
exam as policy of its affiliating university.
Internal Assessment
1.The examination schedule is announced in advance through the academic calendar.
2.The foundation of internal assessment is the ongoing, thorough one half-yearly exam, one preuniversity exam, assignments, presentations, class tests, quizzes, etc.
3.Internal assessment of lab courses consists of practical record, attendance, viva-voce, presentation
and day to day performance on the basis of each experiment is assessed.
4.Both half-yearly examination and Pre-university examination process is centrally governed by
exam cell of college. Time table and the important information like room sitting plan etc. is
notified well before the commencement of examination.
5.The requisite paper must be submitted by the faculty to the examination cell within the allotted
time frame in a sealed envelope.
6.Question papers are created strictly in accordance with the format of university end-of-term papers including Bloom’s Taxonomy, COs, in-depth solutions and marking scheme.
7.In order to prevent any form of wrongdoing, the examination cell appoints an internal flying
squad comprising senior faculty members during the examination.
8.Answer sheets are evaluated by concerned faculty, the marked answer sheets for internal
examination are displayed to the class for discussion and mark verification as well as student
satisfaction. The results of the learners internal evaluation exam are shared with the parents
during ‘PTM’ held twice a year for proper feedback system. Final result have been submitted to
exam cell by faculty.
9.Students are free to interact with subject teacher/head of the department to resolve any grievance.
10.The result of examination is declared within a week from the last date of examination and
detailed analysis is done.
11.Extra internal examination of specific subject is conducted at the end of the year for those
students who were absent during examination due to unavoidable medical conditions.
External Examination
The College is affiliated from University of Rajasthan, therefore final annual examination is conducted
by affiliating University. No Internal exam marks were added to Main exam Marks. Result of a student
completely depends on her performance in the main examination.
The Grievance Redressal System
1.Students are free to interact with their teachers to resolve grievances regarding the assessment if
2.The Exam Cell directly accepts all student’s grievance.
3.Convener Exam Cell directly takes necessory efficient actions on grievance which are further
discussed in meetings of the exam cell.
4.Answere sheets are re-evaluated by Head of Department/Appointed Faculty.
5.Slow and Advanced learners are identified after each exam. Extra/Revision Classes were arranged
for them as per requirement.