- IQAC was set up in March 2014. The function of the IQAC is to redefine and reinvent the conventional modes of imparting education in the light of changing global trends so that the institution can rank among globally reputed colleges. In a liberal Arts College like ours, IQAC sees the demand for growth of technical and managerial skills as a major challenge and strives to strike a balance between rapidly digitalizing world and indigenous concerns.
- It is a high power committee constituted for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
- It further constitutes committees for smooth functioning of academic and administrative activities.
- It coordinates with all stakeholders at various levels through informal interaction, official meetings, feedback system, etc.
- IQAC undertakes Academic and Administrative Auditing by internal as well as external committees.
- Its main objective is to plan and implement quality initiatives and evaluate the same. It follows its calendar for meetings, quality agenda and maintains minutes of its proceedings.
- It encourages conduct of workshops, awareness programmes, special lectures on quality innovations, curriculum enrichment, teaching-learning and evaluation process, research-oriented seminars, application for research grants and project managing. It also plans and implements advanced learning resources, ICT management and gives suggestions for empowerment of staff, leadership, governing pattern and strategic perspective planning.
- It plans and supports effective implementation for Total Quality Management, research, collaboration and extension activities for all stakeholders.
- It analyzes the feedback received from all stakeholders and informs the concerned person about its outcome for improvement. It also appreciates, encourages and provides support required by all staff for their quality sustenance and improvement in teaching, research and administration.